Cleveland, OH area residents who are interested in non-invasive skin tightening and lifting are welcome to learn about the options available at Seriously Skin Cosmetic and Laser Medicine. Dr. Jennifer Kish, DO, and her team are here to help patients understand the benefits of skin tightening without plastic surgery.
Skin tightening
After the age of 30, many men and women will experience the slow decrease of collagen and elastin that naturally occurs in the skin. Collagen and elastin give the skin its youthful appearance and keeps it firm. When collagen and elastin diminish, it results in the skin becoming lax. Skin laxity leads to the development of fine lines and wrinkles. Patients interested in addressing skin laxity with non-invasive skin lift and tightening services will be interested in learning about the options available at Seriously Skin Cosmetic and Laser Medicine.
Devices used for skin tightening
Most patients are interested in learning about the amazing technology behind our treatments. Whether patients are interested in facial rejuvenation or just tightening the jaw line, we have several options to choose from. Some of these can be used for body contouring as well. Solutions include:
- Venus Legacy
- Ultherapy
- ProFractional Laser
The devices above have been proven solutions for patients who are interested in tightening their skin and enjoying a youthful appearance while treating specific areas of cosmetic concern. Our practice works with patients who are seeking these technologically advanced solutions, eliminating the need for plastic surgery.
Why not plastic surgery?
While plastic surgery may be right for some patients, individuals who have mild to moderate changes will find plastic surgery to be more invasive than necessary. Plastic surgery is much more expensive, requires extensive downtime and recovery, and can leave behind scarring that can be unsightly. Instead, patients can ask about the special treatments available in our office that provide treatment without cutting into the skin. With the use of the Venus Legacy, Ultherapy, and ProFractional lasers, we can give patients the results they want without invasive procedures. For more severe cases, plastic surgery may still be an option, but we want our patients to choose the most conservative solutions for their specific desires. Our alternatives can meet and even exceed expectations.
Call for an appointment today
At Seriously Skin Cosmetic and Laser Medicine, our professionals are here to assist patients with their skincare needs. Contact the practice today to discuss the advantages of body contouring systems, facial rejuvenation, and all the options available for non-invasive skin lifting and tightening. Call Dr. Jennifer Kish, DO today at (440) 499-7145 and connect with us personally at 154 Bell Street in Chagrin Falls.