
Is Coolsculpting treatment worth it for patients in the Akron, OH area?

When it comes to improving the contours of the body, many patients think their only option is plastic surgery. Luckily, with continued improvement in today’s medical field, patients have more solutions to choose from. With the team of Seriously Skin Cosmetic and Laser Medicine, patients can enjoy solutions that don’t even affect the skin and frees them from surgical interventions, including Coolsculpting treatment for patients in the areas of Chagrin Falls, Cleveland, Youngstown, and Akron, OH.

What is Coolsculpting?

Coolsculpting treatment is performed at Seriously Skin Cosmetic and Laser Medicine to help patients address areas of unwanted fat on the body. It can be done without having to undergo plastic surgery and deal with incisions or the risk of scarring. Coolsculpting is a method of cryolipolysis. It freezes the fat underneath the skin and allows the body to naturally flush it out through the lymphatic system. This provides gradual improvement in the contours of the body, eliminating the appearance of “having work done.”  Coolsculpting has been proven to be extremely effective as an alternative to plastic surgery and is more desirable because it allows non-invasive solutions.

How much does Coolsculpting cost?

The cost of Coolsculpting depends heavily on many factors, including what areas of the body are being treated and how many sessions a patient requires to get the results they want. Most patients will see a reduction of fat of approximately 20 percent following a single treatment, but will see dramatic improvements if they choose to have further services. This is perfect for patients who have tried diet and exercise and have been unable to address those specific areas such as the:

  • Abdominal area
  • Thighs
  • Love handles
  • Upper arms

What can patients expect in terms of side effects?

Coolsculpting does not have any long-term side effects. However, it is common for patients to experience redness, tenderness, and sometimes bruising around the treatment site. This is completely normal and will resolve over the course of several days. It is best that patients consult with their doctor to discuss what they may notice after their treatment. They can also learn about post-treatment concerns to look for which may warrant a follow-up appointment with our team.

Are results immediate?

It is important that our patients fully understand the process of cryolipolysis. This procedure does not provide immediate results. Instead, the results are revealed over time as the body naturally flushes out the frozen fat cells. We want our patients to ask our professionals questions so that they know what they can achieve with one or several treatment sessions.

Is Coolsculpting truly non-invasive?

Yes! Coolsculpting is done without incisions and without being invasive. This makes it a great solution for those who are interested in achieving comparable results but without surgical intervention. Coolsculpting does not affect the skin, either, making it a highly desirable treatment in our practice.

Is Coolsculpting treatment worth it?

Absolutely! Most patients are pleased with the results they achieve with this treatment. They find that the investment they have made in themselves is returned threefold in the confidence they feel every day. We improve self-confidence by helping patients who have been unable to target areas of unwanted fat with traditional diet and exercise, providing an option that no one can refuse!

Schedule a visit today with our team!

Visit Seriously Skin Cosmetic and Laser Medicine to discuss Coolsculpting and other body improvement solutions available at our practice. We can be reached by calling (440) 499-7145, and are conveniently located in Chagrin Falls, OH at 154 Bell Street. We encourage patients to take the time to learn about the advantages of treatment with our staff and discuss the advantages of using non-invasive body contouring solutions such as Coolsculpting treatment to get the body they’ve always wanted! We welcome new patients who are seeking comprehensive care!

Seriously Skin

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