Cleveland area dermatologist answers, what is the difference between Botox and Dysport?

By now, most patients in the Cleveland area are familiar with an injectable called Botox. Botox is best for addressing wrinkles and folds on the upper third of the face, reducing the appearance of crow’s feet, frown lines, and forehead folds. Botox was developed by a company known as Allergan and has been used for several decades in both medical and cosmetic dermatology settings. However, another injectable known as Dysport has also hit the market. This is marketed by Medicis and was once known as Reloxin. It can accomplish the same goal as Botox. However, Cleveland area patients who are introduced to both of these for addressing folds and wrinkles often ask the team of Seriously Skin Cosmetic and Laser Medicine, what is the difference between Botox and Dysport?
Botox and Dysport are both similar products. They are both used to reduce muscle contractions and are readily available at many dermatology offices. They are approved by the FDA and have been used for many years with high safety expectations. However, why might a patient or dermatologist choose one over another for a specific cosmetic purpose?
For the most part, this is comparing “apples to apples.” They are essentially the same but developed by different companies. Regardless, there are some indications that there are some differences. This may include how long the injectable lasts (Dysport has a tendency to last long, especially when used for crow’s feet), how quick the onset of changes (Dysport may be a few days faster than the results of Botox), and Dysport has a tendency to diffuse more which may be advantageous in some situations. However, many of these differences are being evaluated further to see if they are indeed consistent with the results of patients. At our practice, we have a tendency to gravitate more towards Dysport because of the benefits it has over traditional Botox.
The team of Seriously Skin Cosmetic and Laser Medicine can help patients choose the injectable right for them. What might be appropriate for one patient may not be appropriate for another, so performing a thorough evaluation is the best way to get started with choosing cosmetic injectables for enhancement of the skin. Contact our team today to book a consultation appointment and evaluation to learn about the ways in which Botox and Dysport can be used to rejuvenate one’s appearance and address the signs of aging.
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