Cleveland patients look rejuvenated and refreshed with Restylane treatments

Aging can bring wisdom, confidence, and peace as you evolve into the person you were meant to be. It may also leave you feeling less vibrant looking than you once were. As your skin ages, it becomes thinner, losing elasticity, fat, and hyaluronic acid, which is a necessary substance that is naturally occurring in your body. As hyaluronic acid is diminished, your face may look less smooth, plump, or voluminous.
With today’s technological advances, there are a myriad of options for patients who desire a more refreshed and youthful appearance. At Seriously Skin Cosmetic and Laser Medicine, laser medicine and dermatology center serving patients from the greater Cleveland area, we offer the latest, safest, and most effective treatments to keep you looking and feeling your best.
Our comprehensive array of skincare services includes medical treatment and diagnosis of conditions such as skin cancer, rosacea, acne, hyperpigmentation, surgical dermatology, and cosmetic treatments like peels, laser skin therapy, photo facials, neuromodulators, collagen stimulators, and dermal fillers.
What is Restylane?
Restylane is an injectable dermal filler that is made of hyaluronic acid. Used in gel form, Restylane is injected gently and precisely into wrinkles and folds such as those that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth, called laugh lines or nasolabial folds. The hyaluronic acid restores fullness to the skin, smoothing out lines and wrinkles. Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Restylane may also be an effective treatment for lip enhancement.
What to expect
Restylane treatment requires little to no downtime or recovery period. The procedure will usually take about an hour or less, with results lasting up to 18 months with appropriate follow up and maintenance. Patients generally report minimal discomfort; however, bruising, swelling, or redness may occur temporarily.
Patients who are appropriate candidates for Restylane treatment are asked to avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and supplements that may increase bruising or bleeding.
Our team at Seriously Skin Cosmetic and Laser Medicine recognizes that no two patients are exactly alike. We provide a comprehensive consultation and evaluation to determine your goals and recommend custom-tailored treatments that best fit your lifestyle and budget. We offer a complete range of skin care treatments, procedures, and products to achieve your healthiest skin.
To find out if Restylane is appropriate for you, call us today at (440) 499-7145.
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