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Young woman with soft skin

How Cleveland area patients can get rid of cellulite

woman holding her thigh before treatment

Over time, many women begin to notice changes in their skin and body. This may be due to the natural progression of aging. However, other issues can develop that may be extremely noticeable and embarrassing for some of our patients. This is the development of cellulite. Cellulite is the dimpling appearance that can be noticed on the skin around the thighs and buttocks. This “cottage cheese” look is often noticeable when women wear swimsuits, shorts, and skirts. It can be incredibly embarrassing for some women, which can cause them to wear clothing at all time to cover up what makes … Continue reading

Cellulite treatment available in Cleveland

woman posing back and legs

Dimples may be charming and endearing, but not when they are located on your thighs or arms. Cellulite is a common and harmless condition that can affect even the healthiest and most well-toned person. Cellulite is caused by normal fat that exists beneath the skin. As fat crowds against fibrous cords that connect the skin to muscles an uneven surface appears in the form of lumps or bumps. Women are more prone to the condition than men. It is estimated that 85% of all women are affected. Cellulite can most often be seen around the buttocks and thighs as well … Continue reading

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